KBD-Infinity title

The Accompaniment Machine

Accompaniment Machine screenshot

AMac (the Accompaniment Machine) is a powerful utility to create accompaniments for solo or group performances and to boost the power of digital keyboards. Even a beginning keyboardist can sound like a pro. The key is the program’s ability to access the thousands of Yamaha-format keyboard styles available on the Internet. The program provides a virtual backup band for your keyboard, instrumental or vocal performances.
Style Master

Style Master screenshot

Style Master is an essential tool to work with Yamaha-format keyboard accompaniment styles. There are three main functions: 1) Fine-tune the instrumentation and volume balance of styles. With this feature, you can use all styles available on the Internet, even if they weren't designed for your keyboard. 2) Correct common errors and save styles in a clean, standardized format. 3) Edit and create styles using any MIDI editor.
MIDI Utility Pack

MIDI Microscope screenshot

The MIDI Utility Pack includes five essential utilities for MIDI users. MIDI Microscope displays the binary content of MIDI files cross-linked with text descriptions of the commands. With MIDI Recorder, you can record your electronic keyboard performances and save them as MIDI files. MIDI File Manager is a versatile file manager with special features to organize and to play MIDI files. Tempus Fugit is a digital metronome with advanced features for MIDI devices. MIDI Typer converts MIDI files between Type 0 and Type 1 formats.
MIDI Doctor

MIDI Doctor screenshot

There are thousands of MIDI files available for download on the Internet, and most of them have at least one problem. MIDI Doctor has five main functions: 1) quickly make custom settings like channel voices (instrumentation), 2) delete unwanted or unnecessary information following your specifications, 3) correct the order of MIDI messages and store files in a standard Type 1 format 4) remove selected channels (e.g., delete the solo part to make an accompaniment) and 5) transpose the key signature or note range.